Eesti mükoloogiaühing

XVII Balti mükoloogide ja lihhenoloogide sümpoosium

XVII Symposium of the Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists (Estonia, Saaremaa, 17-21 September 2008)

The Symposium was held at Hotell Saaremaa in Mändjala, ca 11 km southeast of Kuressaare, the capital of the Saaremaa Island. 

Seventy six persons from twelve countries – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Russia – came to Mändjala. 
The final list of participants

The programme of the Symposium is available here.
XVII BML programme 

The abstracts of presentations were published in: Saar I, Suija A (Eds.). 2008. XVII Symposium of the Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists. Estonia, Saaremaa, Mändjala, 17-21 September 2008. Abstracts. Tartu University Publishing, Tartu. 40 p. ISBN 978-9949-11-955-4.

The full-length papers based on the lectures and posters will be published in 2008 or 2009 issues of Folia Cryptogamica Estonica according to the usual rules of the journal. Additional information is available at Folia Cryptogamica Estonica.

Irja Saar
Estonian Mycological Society
40 Lai Str., 51005 Tartu, Estonia

Irja Saar, Kadri Pärtel, Tiiu Tõrra, Lauri Saag (Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu)
Kadri Põldmaa, Ave Suija (Natural History Museum, University of Tartu)
Indrek Sell (Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences) 

The group photo was made in Odalätsi (19 September 2008).

The group photo was made in Odalätsi (19 September 2008).

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